05 February 2008

Akira Toriyama & Masakazu Katsura New Manga


Akira Toriyama creator of the most popular Manga on the Earth, and his friend Masakazu Katsura the creator of the best Mangas in this life (he's my favorite Mangaka) will work together in a new One Shot Manga for Sueisha's Jump Square Magazine. The Manga will be published in this May issue.


The announcement was made in the Magazine's (http://jumpsq.shueisha.co.jp/) website and they promise more information later (source ANN).

Masakazu Katsura and Akira Toriyama have more in common than they seem to have. Their drawing styles were something similar in different time in their careers.

For example, one of the first works of Katsura was Wingman, and it's art is a bit similar to this we see in Dr. Slump.

WingMan1 drslump1gl

But the similarity is more obvious during the Saiyan Era. There's no doubt that the Mega Playboy and the Saiyans are from the same planet.

dna2 three

It's a shame to see Toriyama's art become more and more serialized and simple. But it's not the same with Katsura. The creator of Zetman reached a level of Manga Art that can't be reproduced in anime. While Dragon Ball Z Manga and Anime were exactly the same.

zetman_001 dragon-ball-16

But when it comes to the plots, they are the opposite sides of the same coin. One writes simple stories about fighting and then more fight, while the other one talk about the classic love triangle surrounded by science fiction.

Anyway, I'd kill for seeing the Manga these two Mangaka Masters will create.

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